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Homemade Christmas cards

Homemade Christmas Cards
Christmas is just knocking at the door. There is a merry tune in the air, and everybody is gearing up for celebrating this festive season. Exchange of gifts among friends, family and beloved ones has been a Christmas tradition. Christmas greeting cards are also an integral part of celebration. Regardless of ages, all love to get cards on Christmas, and you can employ your creativity to design Homemade-Christmas-cards which will make the recipients feel how much you care for them.

Homemade-Christmas-cards with your Personalized Touch

Christmas is the ideal time to evince your feelings through written or spoken words. Use this opportunity and express your unspoken feelings through Homemade-Christmas-cards. The magnetism and significance of the Christmas cards becomes a few times more when the recipient comes to know that the sender had made it with his/her own affection, love and creativity. Thus, Handmade Christmas cards have more importance and allure than that are sold in the market. Here you can also add much more personal features to the wishes written within.

Christmas cards ideas

There are several other positive aspects of Homemade-Christmas-cards. These cards are not at all expensive and designing the card is also very simple and full of fun. Umpteen Christmas cards ideas are there. Paper, color, and various other materials are used to create cards for Christmas holidays. You can use the following card ideas to prepare Homemade-Christmas-cards:

  • Contemporary Tree Card

  • Chocolate brown and red are the most popular colors of Christmas. To make this contemporary Homemade-Christmas-card, take a brown paper of any 7×7 size. Draw a rectangle on the paper of 5×5 size and color it with red. Now take a white paper and create a large dot tree and then cut out in a simple triangular shape. And then attach the tree to the red paper and write your own wish. Your Homemade-Christmas-cards is ready.

  • Holly Card

  • To make Holly Card, you need to use the holly leaf punch and red wire. Take a red paper of rectangular shape and create a square from the white paper. Create a narrow scalloped mat punched out of the burgundy duplex paper and fix it behind the white square. Then paste the holly leaf punch and red wire on the white square. Now fix it at the middle of the red paper.

  • Peace and Joy

  • Peace and Joy is perhaps the easiest Homemade-Christmas-card, but highly impressive. To prepare this card, you need to take a light green paper of rectangular shape. Now create three circles of different color - brown, baby blue and colonial blue one adjacent to other. Remember, the circle in the middle should be larger than the other two. The color of this circle will be colonial blue and write ‘Peace’ in the circle. The color of the left-side circle will be baby blue and the right one will be of brown color and ‘Joy’ written on it. Your Peace and Joy card is ready to be gifted.

    Apart from the above, Three Sparkling Trees, Pinwheel Card, Snowman Silhouette, Sleigh Ride, and Happy Thanksgiving, etc. are other most popular Homemade-Christmas-cards ideas.
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