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Short Christmas Poem For Children

Our best childhood memories of Christmas are probably listing and reciting some of our favorite Christmas poems, for it is through them we get to know the festival better.
The poems, through their short and crisp verses, bring in the spirit of the festive season into our lives.

Lets have a look at some of the short Christmas poems for children.

Christmas is the most awaited season for children because this is not only the season of holiday but also the time of their reunion with their dearest friend Santa Claus. The short and sweet poem Saint Nick is about the most famous and popular of the Christmas icons, Saint Nicholas, or as we call him dearly, Santa Claus.

When cold the winds blow,
And comes the white snow,
Then look out for good Saint Nick.
He comes in a sleigh
From miles, miles away,
And vanishes very quick.

The divine aspect of Christmas is fostered into the children by the images of fairies and elves. The concept of the elves and fairies working as Santa's associate comes out beautifully in the poem Santa's Helpers by Boylan. The Ball Game is another short and sweet poem of six lines, which is a fun read for children. You will revive your childhood memories by reading the delightful poems To Santa Claus, and Christmas Time. Enjoy your Christmas pie as you read on the delightful poem The Mousie:

A mousie got into a great Christmas pie,
Two little boys heard him, and then they did cry,
"O mousie! O mousie! come quickly away!
That pie is not for you, 'tis for our Christmas day."

Bring back your fond memories of childhood with these Christmas poems for children and enjoy the festive season with Christmas Carnivals .
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